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An object of class MPs contains information about the management procedures (MPs) in a Slick-class() object. Like all S4 objects in Slick, slots in this object can be accessed and assigned using functions corresponding to slot name. See MPs() and the the See Also section below.


Objects of class MPs are created with MPs()

Multi-Language Support

Text with multi-language supported can be provided as a named list. Available languages:

  • en: English (default)

  • es: Spanish

  • fr: French


Character strings in Code, Label, and Description must all be same length as the number of management procedures (nMPs) in the plot objects Boxplot, Kobe, Quilt, Spider, Timeseries, and Tradeoff.



A short code for the Management Procedures in this Slick object. A character string length nMP or a named list for multi-language support. See Details Required


A short label for the Management Procedures in this Slick object. Can be longer than Code but recommended to keep short as possible so it shows clearly in plots and tables. A character string length nMP or a named list for multi-language support. See Details Required


A description for the Management Procedures in this Slick object. Can include Markdown, see Examples. A character string length nMP or a named list for multi-language support. See Details


A character vector of colors for the MPs. Defaults will be used if not populated


An optional named list for the preset buttons in the App(). The name of the list element will appear as a button in the App().


myMPs <- MPs()
Code(myMPs) <- c('MP1', 'MP2', 'MP3')
Label(myMPs) <- c('Management Procedure 1',
                  'Management Procedure 2',
                  'Management Procedure 3')
Description(myMPs) <- c('This is the description for Management Procedure 1',
                        'This is the description for Management Procedure 2',
                        'This is the description for Management Procedure 3')

Preset(myMPs) <- list(All=1:3, FirstTwo=1:2)

#> ── An object of class `MPs` ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── `Code` ──
#> 1 MP1
#> 2 MP2
#> 3 MP3
#> ── `Label` ──
#> 1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3 Management Procedure 3
#> ── `Description` ──
#> 1 This is the description for Management P ...
#> 2 This is the description for Management P ...
#> 3 This is the description for Management P ...
#> ── `Color` ──
#> 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 #5F96C2
#> ── `Preset` ──
#> ── All 
#> 1
#> 2
#> 3
#> ── FirstTwo 
#> 1
#> 2

# Multi-language
Description(myMPs) <- list(en=c('This is the English description for Management Procedure 1',
                             'This is the English description for Management Procedure 2',
                             'This is the English description for Management Procedure 3'),
                           es=c("This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 1",
                             "This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 2",
                             "This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 3"),
                           fr=c("This is the French description for Management Procedure 1",
                             "This is the French description for Management Procedure 2",
                             "This is the French description for Management Procedure 3")

#>   Code                  Label
#> 1  MP1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2  MP2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3  MP3 Management Procedure 3
#>                                                  Description   Color
#> 1 This is the English description for Management Procedure 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 This is the English description for Management Procedure 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 This is the English description for Management Procedure 3 #5F96C2
Metadata(myMPs, 'es')
#>   Code                  Label
#> 1  MP1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2  MP2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3  MP3 Management Procedure 3
#>                                                  Description   Color
#> 1 This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 3 #5F96C2
Metadata(myMPs, 'fr')
#>   Code                  Label
#> 1  MP1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2  MP2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3  MP3 Management Procedure 3
#>                                                 Description   Color
#> 1 This is the French description for Management Procedure 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 This is the French description for Management Procedure 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 This is the French description for Management Procedure 3 #5F96C2