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The MPs function is used both to create and modify an MPs-class() object. and to access and assign MPs for an object of class Slick-class(). See Details.


MPs(Code = "", Label = "", Description = "", Color = "", Preset = list())

MPs(object) <- value

# S4 method for missing

# S4 method for character_list
MPs(Code = "", Label = "", Description = "", Color = "", Preset = list())

# S4 method for Slick
MPs(object) <- value



A short code for the Management Procedures in this Slick object. A character string length nMP or a named list for multi-language support. See Details


A short label for the Management Procedures in this Slick object. Can be longer than Code but recommended to keep short as possible so it shows clearly in plots and tables. A character string length nMP or a named list for multi-language support. See Details


A description for the Management Procedures in this Slick object. Can include Markdown, see Examples. A character string length nMP or a named list for multi-language support. See Details


A character vector of colors for the MPs.


An optional named list for the preset buttons in the App(). The name of the list element will appear as a button in the App().

Use Code(), Label(), Description(), and Preset() to access and assign the values for an existing MPs object, see Examples.


A Slick-class() object


A MPs-class() object


Objects of class MPs are created with MPs()


  • MPs(missing): Create an empty MPs object

  • MPs(character_list): Create a populated MPs object

  • MPs(Slick) <- value: Assign an MPs-class() object to a Slick() object


myMPs <- MPs()
Code(myMPs) <- c('MP1', 'MP2', 'MP3')
Label(myMPs) <- c('Management Procedure 1',
                  'Management Procedure 2',
                  'Management Procedure 3')
Description(myMPs) <- c('This is the description for Management Procedure 1',
                        'This is the description for Management Procedure 2',
                        'This is the description for Management Procedure 3')

Preset(myMPs) <- list(All=1:3, FirstTwo=1:2)

#> ── An object of class `MPs` ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── `Code` ──
#> 1 MP1
#> 2 MP2
#> 3 MP3
#> ── `Label` ──
#> 1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3 Management Procedure 3
#> ── `Description` ──
#> 1 This is the description for Management P ...
#> 2 This is the description for Management P ...
#> 3 This is the description for Management P ...
#> ── `Color` ──
#> 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 #5F96C2
#> ── `Preset` ──
#> ── All 
#> 1
#> 2
#> 3
#> ── FirstTwo 
#> 1
#> 2

# Multi-language
Description(myMPs) <- list(en=c('This is the English description for Management Procedure 1',
                             'This is the English description for Management Procedure 2',
                             'This is the English description for Management Procedure 3'),
                           es=c("This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 1",
                             "This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 2",
                             "This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 3"),
                           fr=c("This is the French description for Management Procedure 1",
                             "This is the French description for Management Procedure 2",
                             "This is the French description for Management Procedure 3")

#>   Code                  Label
#> 1  MP1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2  MP2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3  MP3 Management Procedure 3
#>                                                  Description   Color
#> 1 This is the English description for Management Procedure 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 This is the English description for Management Procedure 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 This is the English description for Management Procedure 3 #5F96C2
Metadata(myMPs, 'es')
#>   Code                  Label
#> 1  MP1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2  MP2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3  MP3 Management Procedure 3
#>                                                  Description   Color
#> 1 This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 This is the Spanish description for Management Procedure 3 #5F96C2
Metadata(myMPs, 'fr')
#>   Code                  Label
#> 1  MP1 Management Procedure 1
#> 2  MP2 Management Procedure 2
#> 3  MP3 Management Procedure 3
#>                                                 Description   Color
#> 1 This is the French description for Management Procedure 1 #C87A8A
#> 2 This is the French description for Management Procedure 2 #6B9D59
#> 3 This is the French description for Management Procedure 3 #5F96C2