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This document is a guide for analysts who wish to use Slick to summarize their MSE results. It describes the format of the Slick object, and provides examples demonstrating how to create and populate a Slick object.

Reporting Issues and Bugs

Please use the Issues feature in the GitHub repository to report issues or bugs. Please be sure to include a reproducible example so the issue can be recreated for de-bugging. Pull Requests are also welcome.

The Slick Object

To use Slick, MSE results must be compiled into a Slick class object. The Slick object contains all of the information shown in the plots and tables, as well as metadata information such as title, introduction, and author details. Help documentation for the Slick class object can be found here.

To create a Slick object, simply use the Slick() function:

slick <- Slick()

slick is now an empty Slick class object:

#> ── An empty object of class `Slick` ────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── `Title` ──
#> ── `Subtitle` ──
#> ── `Date` ──
#> 2024-07-01
#> ── `Author` ──
#> ── `Email` ──
#> ── `Institution` ──
#> ── `Introduction` ──
#> ── `MPs` ──
#>  Object is empty
#> ── `OMs` ──
#>  Object is empty
#> ── `Boxplot` ──
#>  Object is empty
#> ── `Quilt` ──
#>  Object is empty
#> ── `Kobe` ──
#>  Object is empty
#> ── `Spider` ──
#>  Object is empty
#> ── `Timeseries` ──
#>  Object is empty
#> ── `Tradeoff` ──
#>  Object is empty

Title, Author details, and Introduction

The Title, Subtitle, Author, Email, and Institution components of the Slick object are populated with the corresponding functions. These are optional, but useful when presenting the Slick results in the App:

Title(slick) <- 'An Example Slick Object'
Subtitle(slick) <- "This is the subtitle"
Author(slick) <- 'Adrian Hordyk'
Email(slick) <-  "[]("
Institution(slick) <- "[Blue Matter Science]("

The same functions are used to return the information stored in each component:

#> [1] "An Example Slick Object"
#> [1] "This is the subtitle"
#> [1] "Adrian Hordyk"
#> [1] "[]("
#> [1] "[Blue Matter Science]("

With the exception of Date, Markdown can be used to include links, text styling, etc. For example,

Introduction(slick) <- "
This is an example Slick object. It has been created for the purposes of demonstrating the key features of Slick.

The introduction can include paragraphs as well as Markdown such as *italics* and **bold** text and [Links](


The Markdown will be automatically converted to HTML in the App:

Introduction(slick, markdown = TRUE) 

This is an example Slick object. It has been created for the purposes of demonstrating the key features of Slick.

The introduction can include paragraphs as well as Markdown such as italics and bold text and Links.


Title, Subtitle, and Introduction support multiple languages. Currently three languages are supported:

  • en: English
  • es: Spanish
  • fr: French

Multiple languages can included by providing a named list:

Title(slick) <- list(en='This is the English Title',
                     es='This is the Spanish Title',
                     fr='This is the French Title')
#> [1] "This is the English Title"
Title(slick, 'es')
#> [1] "This is the Spanish Title"
Title(slick, 'fr')
#> [1] "This is the French Title"

The MPs object

The MPs object contains the codes, labels, and descriptions of the management procedures (MPs) included in the Slick object.

Code, and Label are required.

In this example, there are four MPs:

mps <- MPs()
Code(mps) <- c('MP1', 'MP2', 'MP3', 'MP4')
Label(mps) <- c('MP 1', 'MP 2', 'MP 3', 'MP 4')
Description(mps) <- c('MP 1 is an example', 
                 'MP 2 is another example',
                 'Another example',
                 'The final example')

This could have also been done as:

mps <- MPs(Code=c('MP1', 
           Label=c('MP 1',
                   'MP 2', 
                   'MP 3', 
                   'MP 4'),
           Description = c('MP 1 is an example', 
                           'MP 2 is another example',
                           'Another example',
                           'The final example'))

Color is used to set the colors of the MPs shown in the plots. If not specified, default colors will be used:

#> [1] "#C87A8A" "#909646" "#00A396" "#9189C7"

Preset is an optional named list, with numeric values indicating the MPs to be selected by the Preset buttons:

Preset(mps) <- list('All'=1:4,
                    'Last 2'=3:4)

Add mp to the slick object

MPs(slick) <- mps

The OMs Object

The OMs object describes the structure of the operating models contained with the Slick object. All Slick objects must have a completed OMs object.

The easiest way to build a Slick object is to create and populate the sub-components and then add them to the Slick object.

Create an OMs object:

oms <- OMs()

The OMs object contains two mandatory slots (Factors and Design) and one optional slot (Preset).


Factors is a data.frame with column headings Factor, Level, and Description. It is used to describe the various factors, and levels within each factor, of the operating models included in the Slick object.

Here is a simple example of a Slick object that includes results from 6 OMs, spanning three levels on uncertainty in natural mortality (M) and two levels of steepness (h):

Factors(oms) <- data.frame(Factor=c(rep('M',3), rep('h',2)),
                           Description=c('Natural Mortality = 0.1',
                                         'Natural Mortality = 0.2',
                                         'Natural Mortality = 0.3',
                                         'Steepness = 0.7',
                                         'Steepness = 0.9')

#>   Factor Level             Description
#> 1      M   0.1 Natural Mortality = 0.1
#> 2      M   0.2 Natural Mortality = 0.2
#> 3      M   0.3 Natural Mortality = 0.3
#> 4      h   0.7         Steepness = 0.7
#> 5      h   0.9         Steepness = 0.9


The Design matrix is nOM rows and nFactor columns. The values in each column should either be numeric values indicating the levels for the corresponding factor, or the actual level values (i.e., Factors$Level) that correspond to each OM. The column names of Design must match the names of the factors (i.e, Factors$Level).

Here is the Design matrix corresponding with the Factors above:

Design(oms) <- data.frame(M=c(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3,0.3),
                          h=rep(c(0.7, 0.9), 3)
#>     M   h
#> 1 0.1 0.7
#> 2 0.1 0.9
#> 3 0.2 0.7
#> 4 0.2 0.9
#> 5 0.3 0.7
#> 6 0.3 0.9


Preset is optional. It is used to add buttons to the Slick App where users can rapidly select different sets of OMs.

For OMs objects, Preset is a multi-level list. Each element in first level lists must be named. The names are used to display the ‘Preset’ button in the App.

The second level of each named list element must be a list length nFactors, which each element containing numeric values representing the levels within each factor that should be included under that preset.

For example:

Preset(oms) <- list('Low h'=list(1:3, 1),
                    'High h'=list(1:3, 2))

The OMs object is now complete.

The Check function can be used to make sure there are no errors:

#> ── Checking: "OMs" ──
#>  Complete

Once the OMs object is complete, it can be added to the Slick object:

OMs(slick) <- oms

Plotting Objects

At least one of the six plot objects must be included in a Slick object.


Code, Label, and Value are required.

boxplot <- Boxplot(Code=c('PI 1', 'PI 2', 'PI 3'),
                   Label=c('Perf. Ind. 1', 'Perf. Ind. 2', 'Perf. Ind. 3'),
                   Description=c('This is the description of PI 1',
                                 'This is the description of PI 2',
                                 'This is the description of PI 3'))

Value is a numeric array containing the values of the performance indicators included in the Boxplot object. Value must have dimensions c(nsim, nOM, nMP, nPI).

Value(boxplot) <- array(runif(1E4), dim=c(50, 6, 4, 3))
Boxplot(slick) <- boxplot

Checking and Testing

The Slick object is now complete with the minimum requirements:

  1. A complete MPs object
  2. A complete OMs object
  3. and at least one complete plotting object (Boxplot in this case)

The Slick object can be checked for completeness with the Check function:


The App function can be used to run the app locally. Passing a Slick object as a named argument loads the object directly into the App:





