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The Boxplot function is used both to create and modify an Boxplot-class() object. and to access and assign Boxplot for an object of class Slick-class(). See Details.


  Code = "",
  Label = "",
  Description = "",
  Value = array(),
  Preset = list(),
  Defaults = list("overall", "boxplot")

Boxplot(Slick) <- value

# S4 method for missing

# S4 method for character_list
  Code = "",
  Label = "",
  Description = "",
  Value = array(),
  Preset = list(),
  Defaults = list("overall", "boxplot")

# S4 method for Slick

# S4 method for Slick
Boxplot(Slick) <- value



A short code for the Performance Indicators for this object. A character string length nPI or a named list for multi-language support. See Details


A short label for the Performance Indicators for this object. Used to label axes on charts. Can be longer than Code but recommended to keep short as possible so it shows clearly in plots and tables. A character string length nPI or a named list for multi-language support. See Details


A description for the Performance Indicators for this object. Can include Markdown, see Examples. A character string length nPI or a named list for multi-language support. See Details


A numeric array with the stochastic performance indicator values for each simulation (sim), operating model (OM), management procedure (MP), and performance indicator (PI). Dimensions: c(nsim, nOM, nMP, and nPI).


An optional named list for the preset buttons in the App(). The name of the list element will appear as a button in the App().


A list object with default selections for the Boxplot


A Slick-class() object


A Boxplot-class() object


Objects of class Boxplot are created with Boxplot()

Use plotBoxplot() to create the boxplot from the console.

Use the Code(), Label(), Description(), Value(), Preset() functions to access and assign the values for an existing Boxplot object, see Examples

Multi-Language Support

Text with multi-language supported can be provided as a named list. Available languages:

  • en: English (default)

  • es: Spanish

  • fr: French


Character strings in Code, Label, and Description must all be same length as the number of performance indicators (nPIs) in `Value


Defaults is used to select the plot options that are selected in the Boxplot. It is a list of length 2, with the following requirements for the list elements:

  1. A character string. Options: 'overall' (default) or 'byom'

  2. A character string. Options: 'boxplot' (default), 'violin', or 'both'

If unrecognized values are entered, the defaults will be used.


  • Boxplot(missing): Create an empty Boxplot object

  • Boxplot(character_list): Create a populated Boxplot object

  • Boxplot(Slick): Return Boxplot from a Slick-class() object

  • Boxplot(Slick) <- value: Assign a Boxplot-class() object to a Slick-class() object


boxplot <- Boxplot(Code=c('PI1', 'PI2', 'PI3'),
                   Label=c('Performance Indicator 1',
                         'Performance Indicator 2',
                         'Performance Indicator 3'),
                   Description = c('This is the description for PI 1',
                                   'This is the description for PI 2',
                                   'This is the description for PI 3'),
                   Value=array(runif(3000), dim=c(10, 10, 10,3)),
                   Preset=list('PI and P2'=1:2)


#> ── An object of class `Boxplot` ────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── `Code` ──
#> 1 PI1
#> 2 PI2
#> 3 PI3
#> ── `Label` ──
#> 1 Performance Indicator 1
#> 2 Performance Indicator 2
#> 3 Performance Indicator 3
#> ── `Description` ──
#> 1 This is the description for PI 1
#> 2 This is the description for PI 2
#> 3 This is the description for PI 3
#> ── `Value` ──
#>   Dimension Length
#> 1      nsim     10
#> 2       nOM     10
#> 3       nMP     10
#> 4       nPI      3
#>  Mean across MPs and PIs
#>        PI1  PI2  PI3
#> MP 1  0.52 0.48 0.50
#> MP 2  0.47 0.54 0.52
#> MP 3  0.54 0.50 0.49
#> MP 4  0.48 0.51 0.54
#> MP 5  0.51 0.50 0.52
#> MP 6  0.48 0.55 0.45
#> MP 7  0.51 0.50 0.49
#> MP 8  0.51 0.52 0.50
#> MP 9  0.47 0.50 0.55
#> MP 10 0.49 0.51 0.54
#> ── `Preset` ──
#> ── PI and P2 
#> 1
#> 2

#> [1] "PI1" "PI2" "PI3"
#>   Code                   Label                      Description
#> 1  PI1 Performance Indicator 1 This is the description for PI 1
#> 2  PI2 Performance Indicator 2 This is the description for PI 2
#> 3  PI3 Performance Indicator 3 This is the description for PI 3

# Value(boxplot)
Value(boxplot) <- array()

#> $`PI and P2`
#> [1] 1 2
Preset(boxplot) <- list()

#> ── An object of class `Boxplot` ────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── `Code` ──
#> 1 PI1
#> 2 PI2
#> 3 PI3
#> ── `Label` ──
#> 1 Performance Indicator 1
#> 2 Performance Indicator 2
#> 3 Performance Indicator 3
#> ── `Description` ──
#> 1 This is the description for PI 1
#> 2 This is the description for PI 2
#> 3 This is the description for PI 3
#> ── `Value` ──
#> ── `Preset` ──